CHAPTER ONE "I got Pikachu" ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Hi, I am Professor Oak but people call me Proof Oak. And this is the world of Poke'mon-POKE'MON not Pok'eman, but Poke'mon. Now where was I? Oh yeah! I study Poke'mon as a profession. I am making a Pokedex that keeps track of all 150 Poke'mon. There are at least 150 Poke'mon. I have a grandson named Gary. He is a rival to a boy named Ash Katch'um. They should be here any time now to get their very first Poke'mon and Pokedex. They and thousands of other trainers will come to get a Poke'mon, but I only have three: Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. Here's Gary now. "Hi gramps." said Gary. "What Poke'mon do you choose? "I'll pick Bulbasaur." said Gary. "Here is your Pokedex." "Bye." Said Gary. Well all the Poke'mon are gone. And Ash hasn't been here. I guess he'll have to wait till next year… OH YEAH, I have one more back-up Poke'mon: Pikachu. "Hi Professor Oak." Ash called "After a lot of thinking I have decided to choose Squritle. What no Squritle? Than